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“94% of problems in business are systems-driven and only 6% are people driven.” -W. Edwards Deming
“The more details you have the easier it will be to pinpoint what went wrong. Or replicate what went right.” -Bobbo Buckley
“This app is all about who does what by when and step-by-step instructions on how to do all those what's.” -Bobbo Buckley
“It’s not the will to win that matters-everyone has that. It’s the will to prepare to win that matters.” -Paul “Bear” Bryant
Are you seeking a “well lived day” each and every day?
And to temper all the Achievement focused information above, let’s always remember what Eli Goldratt said about the business’s Goal of making more money now and in the future. “That is your business’s goal, not your personal goal.” This quote by Byung-Chul Han should reinforce Dr. Goldratt’s admonition really well.