
<aside> <img src="/icons/light-bulb_yellow.svg" alt="/icons/light-bulb_yellow.svg" width="40px" /> Measuring entire rooms, including all walls, windows, doors, etc., provides context, and will set you up for success, while also removing the opportunity for mistake.


The objective is to Measure the walls that cabinetry will be installed on, as well as adjacent walls (for context, I like to draw whole rooms, and include all fixtures, windows and doors to make sure there are no not so obvious conflicts).

I have found that including images of every wall will help exponentially in removing the opportunity for mistake from the process, and setting the next person up for success. The Measures app is great for killing two birds with one stone (you can take your photo of the wall, and put your dimensions and notes on the photos). In addition, it might make sense to bring a music type stand, or wearable desk to put your laptop or tablet on, and to actually draw the walls with widows and doors in your favorite design software.
