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This is more of an informational page rather than a page you will use to do things. It describes the sequence of events involved in using this app, but most of the things described are done from the Projects page for a particular project if you are working with a client, or from the Procedures page if you are working alone. The primary exceptions are adding Companies or Contacts prior to a Project being involved (Companies and People you want to work for, but no particular Project can be identified and targeted at the time you enter their information).

“If you have two half-finished projects, it adds up to zero finished projects.” -Unknown

Systems Advocate

You need a Systems Advocate who flourishes in a culture of documentation. This person should be inherently tidy, someone who thrives on organization (everything has a place, and everything is in its place). Your Systems Advocate should:

This Team Member needs the Decision Rights (ownership) to do what you are asking them to do. They don’t necessarily need the authority to fire someone, although that might be helpful, but they do need the authority to recommend the separation of Team Members who will not work within the system. Team Members who sabotage the system should be terminated post-haste (same-day service).

Features to exploit are:

Helpful METRICS that you can exploit from this app (and that you should know by heart):


Throughout te app you will see Information buttons like the one below that will pop-up a box with instructions on how-to-do the thing you are attempring to do.
