
Link to Cloud Drive Folders

Ideally, you will have Dropbox or OneDrive or Google Drive, etc. If you don’t use a Cloud Drive, I suggest you get Dropbox and start doing so. If you have some sort of aversion to doing so, then convert each of these URL fields to Files & Media fields, and then you can upload PDF, JPG, etc., types of files into these fields

Folder Structure

When using a cloud drive, we need to have a folder structure that makes sense to everyone, so I recommend the following, or something similar.

Top level folder named Clients

Inside the Clients folder, I like to have a folder named TEMPLATE that I will rename with the Project Name after I duplicate it.

Inside the Template folder, I will several folders, but the essentials are Estimate, Drawings, and Proposals. I usually have one specifically for Appliance Specifications, and one for Plans (blueprints).

Create Folders

When I start a new project, I will:

  1. Copy the Template folder
  2. Paste it into the Clients folder
  3. Rename the folder, replacing Template with the Project Name

Link Folders

  1. Right click on the Estimates folder
  2. Float over the Dropbox option
  3. Choose Copy Dropbox link option in pop-up
  4. Go to Estimate Link field
  5. Control-V to paste the link into the field (or right click and choose Paste)
  6. Repeat process for Drawings folder and Proposal folder

Note: Make sure your file naming scheme makes it clear which files is the latest and greatest, I like to use a suffix like Preliminary first, then each version past that point replaces the past with something like REV-001, REV-002, etc.
